Friday, October 3, 2008

We now have internet access at our house, which I have never appreciated so much! For the update, this week we had clinical at Mitchells Plain Hospital on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday. Mitchells Plain is a larger hospital than the previous clinics we have visited. The 14 of us (students) split up between this hospital and Gatesville Hospital. We will switch when we begin our Pediatric rotation. Mitchells Plain has similar "hospital technology" in comparison to the States - they actually have the same IV stands as Danbury Hospital & Carrie-Ellen said they have the same infant incubators as Uconn's Hospital. Last week there were 2 births during our visits, and plenty of babies to go around for feeding, burping, changing, & bathing. There are some tiny, tiny infants that need phototherapy (light treatment) to get rid of the excess bilirubin in their bodies (which makes them turn yellow). The babies are measured in grams, so it takes a bit of time to figure out what that number actually means. Another adjustment is different baby names - some I can't even pronounce. (And remembering them is another challenge.) We have been giving the moms discharge instructions, and teaching them how to diaper and breastfeed, etc.

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