Thursday, November 6, 2008

Braii & Clinical

Our first braii was a success! Despite the scattered rain, Ashley still managed to get the grill going - with charcoal to cook our chicken, burgers, & sausages. Everyone here is a fan of "milk tarts" - they are like rice pudding poured into a pie crust...absolutely delicious. We met a couple UNC students (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and compared experiences here in South Africa so far. They also do internships, but are located at various places since they're all different majors.

This past week in clinical was great. We now switched to 2 days of clinical a week, but extended the hours for each day. Tuesday and Wednesday are my days at the hospital and clinic. At Tafelsig I gave pediatric immunizations - including measles, hepatitis B, influenza, polio drops, BCG (the tuberculosis vaccine), Vitamin A drops, and DTP (diphtheria, tetanus & pertussis). We are now taking public transportation to some of the clinical sites. Ashley & I took a minibus to Gatesville Medical Center. I was counting, and I they actually packed 19 people into one van. Not to mention, the faster speed the better, and you better learn to like heavy-metal/techno at 6:30 in the morning. An experience nonetheless. At the hospital I did more patient assessments, went on rounds with the physician, and went up to theatre (the operating room) to witness a pediatric surgery. It was the day following elections, and almost the entire staff asked us who we voted for. Every newspaper, radio, and television broastcast seemed to be about the United States and the elections.

We just found out we're leaving for a second excursion next Friday through Sunday, to tour the Garden Route. Updates will follow. 5 weeks left in South Africa.

1 comment:

MaryAnn said...

Hey Dana,

I have really enjoyed your blog and look forward to your entries. Your safari photos were excellent, but your hospital experiences are truly fascinating.
Be safe and our prayers for you and your classmates continue.

Much love,
Aunt MaryAnn