Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dr. Guma gave us all African names. He chose names based on each person's personality. Mine is Thandiswa (pronounced ton-dee-swaa). Translated into English, the meaning is something like one who brings happiness to others, or one who children feel better around. We are taking a cultural class here, to learn about the history and politics of South Africa. Currently in the news, the fight for power is between Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma. Mbeki was formally asked to step down as a leader, since the country decided there cannot be two sources of power ruling over South Africa. Jacob Zuma will now rise to the top as the single leading authority, but before he can do that he must be a member of Parliament, which is a series of steps. I've been trying to read bits and pieces of news, but hopefully we will soon get a newspaper delivered to our house, so that should make matters easier.


Michelle said...

I just read about Mbeki formally stepping down! So, I guess between the time you wrote this and now it happened. It is still so odd to me that you are not here!

Miss you!

The Sampsons said...

Hi Dana!
So happy you're doing well. Matthew was wondering if you've seen any lions yet, as the boys think you are on a perpetual safari! You are truly making a difference there and we're so proud of you! We miss you and think of you often. Hugs and kisses. Aunt Marcia, Uncle Mike, Michael and Matthew